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North Sunrise Little League

North Sunrise Little League

Snack Bar Information & Rules

Revenue earned by the snack bar is an important and essential source of income for our league and is used to help shoulder the numerous expenses associated with our league. All proceeds go toward ensuring your children have the best possible experience at NSLL. These funds help guarantee North Sunrise Little League will continue to be a major part of the Orange community. The snack bar also provides families and friends with delicious fan favorite baseball game foods. In order for our snack bar to be successful, we are dependent on families within our league to help run the operation. Our goal is to have enough coverage to ensure the snack bar remains open for all scheduled games. 

During the Spring and Fall seasons, working a shift in the snack bar provides 2 volunteer points. 

Junior volunteers ages 13-17 do not require parent/adult supervision but are required to sign up for a snack bar shift in advance. Junior volunteers ages 13-17 are eligible to earn 2 volunteer points per shift. This is a great way for teenagers to obtain community service hours for clubs and college applications. Please do not bring children under age 13 with you on your shift as there is limited space inside the snack bar. 


  • If you need to reschedule your shift, please do so at least 48 hours prior. Notifications should be sent to Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected]. We are all volunteering our time, so please be respectful of everyone's time and commitment. The purpose of the 48 hours is to allow enough time for another volunteer to select your time slot so the snack bar can remain staffed and operating. 

  • Sign in. The Sign In Sheet is in the 3 ring binder next to the cash register.

  • Familiarize yourself with where things are stored in the snack bar. 

  • Be sure to wash hands often. 

  • Volunteers are expected to stay for their entire shift. 

  • Please do not wear earbuds during your shift. 

  • Please stay until the next shift arrives, if applicable

  • Closing shift - please stay until all clean up duties have been completed. 

  • Rain Outs/Canceled games: All snack bar shifts on rain out/canceled days must be rescheduled for a later date.

  • District 30 umpires receive a free drink and item. 

  • When you are done with your shift make sure to advise your team parent.

  • Have fun! 

Snack Bar FAQ

How long does each shift last? 

A typical shift is 2-3 hours. 

What are the duties involved for a snack bar volunteer? 

A snack bar volunteer will assist with food prep, take/fulfill orders, restock items and cleanup at the end of day. This includes washing dishes, cleaning counters, sweeping and taking out trash. 

Do I get any free food or drinks? 

One free drink per shift is provided to snack bar workers. All other food must be purchased. 

Can I bring my kid(s) to help at the Snack Bar during my shift? 

Children of snack bar volunteers under the age of 13 are not allowed in the snack bar during a shift.

Will someone be there to help during my snack bar shift? 

Yes, NSLL will usually have a Board Member supervising the snack bar. This person will guide all volunteers in any tasks that are needed to be performed. Also, they will always be available to help in the snack bar alongside the volunteers during opening, busy times and closing. The snack bar is also equipped with various instructional guides to help volunteers operate the snack bar. These are located on the cupboards above the airfryer and wall by the oven. 

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